Programme 2

Rainfed Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

To strengthen the resilience of farming communities and their food sovereignty in the face of climate change by deploying effective responses on the ground, improving the natural resource management capacities of local actors and promoting knowledge sharing.

In collaboration with APAF SN, Océanium Dakar, Caritas Kaolack, Kanchan Nepal

La pluie, la forêt et les Hommes, De terre et de pluie, Femmes de terre



Plateforme Souveraineté Alimentaire (PSA)


#nobluenogreen #zerohunger #generationrestoration #watersecurity #betterwithforest #agirpourlenvironnement #climateaction


More than 2 billion people live in countries with high water stress (FAO, 2018). By 2050, an estimated 3.2 billion people will be living in water-scarce areas. (United Nations, 2020)


The challenge of sustainable rain-fed agriculture

Intensive agriculture, the use of chemical fertilisers and the weakening of ecosystems such as forests are causing soil degradation. The loss of soil, the destruction of crops and livelihoods combined with the acceleration of extreme weather events increases the vulnerability of communities to the effects of climate change.

IRHA supports local actors in implementing concrete responses to soil improvement, land and vegetation cover restoration and natural resource management.

Rainwater management and conservation techniques could increase the kilocalorie production of rainfed crops by +24% or even +40% if combined with irrigation (FAO, 2020)

Rainwater management to achieve "Zero Hunger" is fully in line with the Sustainable Development Goals SDG2 and SDG15.

In order to improve the health, living conditions and resilience of communities and ecosystems, our action consists of supporting the food sovereignty of communities and the promotion of sustainable rain-fed agriculture.

  • Development of action plans for integrated water resource management at the watershed level, drawn up in a participatory manner with all local stakeholders (communities, authorities, services, etc.)
  • Establishment of agroforestry plots, infrastructure for erosion control and runoff reduction,
  • Establishment of storage, infiltration and groundwater recharge infrastructures
  • Strengthening the technical and management capacities of field actors (institutions, farmers, cooperatives, etc.).
(Beneficiary farmer, Fatick, Senegal) Credits@IRHA, 2019

"I joined the agroforestry programme in 2014, we started by building the fence to prevent intrusion and destruction of vegetables by animals. The fertilizer trees have increased production and retained rainwater much longer than in other places. "




Programme 2



News - Rainfed Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

Image Meteorological data for a better understanding of rainfall
24 June 2024
by Florian Bielser

In the remote valleys of Nepal, it is very difficult to obtain precise information on rainfall. Only community testimonies and indicators such as m...
Image 2023 Annual report is OUT!!
12 June 2024

New programmes on watershed management in Nepal, ecosystem restoration and climate resilient agriculture in Senegal and cultural activities with ...

Image Nepal - Bees for biodiversity and the rural economy
24 May 2024
by Dharma Raj Dakal (adapted by Florian Bielser)

One of IRHA's project takes place in Kaski and Chitwan districts in Nepal. In partnership with three local partners Sapana Village Social Impact - ...

Other programmes


Programme 1

Rainwater for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Access to safe water and sanitation, as well as appropriate hygiene, is a human right and can prevent a significant proportion of water-related diseases.

Read More


Programme 3

Disaster risk management and ecosystem restoration

The weakening of forest, mangrove and wetland ecosystems, which helps reduce exposure to major risks, increases the vulnerability of communities to the effects of climate change.

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Programme 4

Urban Rainwater

Storm rain, flooding, creating islands of coolness, rainwater management in the city has emerged in recent years as a nature-based solution (NbS) that cannot be ignored in managing a sustainable city.

Read More
 (Beneficiary farmer, Fatick Senegal) Credits @IRHA, 2019


"With the agroforestry and rainwater management programme, I planted trees in my field. I am very happy because the trees have grown well and I even have fodder to feed my livestock, in this period of drought."


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