3, 2, 1... launch of PluiË initiative

by Dunand | 6 December 2023
catégories : #programme4, suisse

Image 3, 2, 1... launch of PluiË initiative

The International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of the PluiË project, an innovative initiative aimed at raising awareness and engaging the public of Greater Geneva in the crucial importance of Rainwater Management (RWM).

Aim of the project

"PluiË - Promouvoir de manière LUdique et Innovante l'Eau de pluie" aims to break the rules, deconstruct prejudices and put forward a rethought approach to rainwater. Over a period of 1 year, the aim is to raise awareness among the general public through artistic practices that resonate between the South and the North, but also to let them experiment with the resource and offer support in taking individual initiatives.

Explore rainwater in an artistic and fun way

PluiË is taking a unique artistic approach to raising awareness of rainwater in Greater Geneva. Rainwater tags on pavements, captivating mobile exhibitions, immersive dance performances and rainwater walks are all activities designed to arouse curiosity and encourage reflection on our relationship with this precious resource. These activities are offered in partnership with various artists such as Global Water Danse - Geneva, Espace Enchanté and Lepuits - the story well.

Become a rainwater advocate!

PluiË is more than just an exhibition. It's an opportunity to transform our collective perception of rainwater and promote sustainable practices.

Together, let's preserve this vital resource.

For more information about PluiË and upcoming events, subscribe to our newsletter.
This project is being implemented in partnership with Global Water Dance - Geneva, Espace Enchantée, le puits the Story Well and with the support of the Geneva Cooperation Federation and the French Geneva Metropolitan Area.

catégories : #programme4, suisse

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