Launch of an Integrated Water Resource Management project in the Kaski and Chitwan watersheds (Nepal)

by Marc Sylvestre | 28 August 2023
catégories : programme3, nepal, programme1

Image Launch of an Integrated Water Resource Management project in the Kaski and Chitwan watersheds (Nepal)

We are delighted to announce that, thanks to funding from the Fédération genevoise de coopération (FGC), and in partnership with Kanchan Nepal, Libird and SVSI, we are launching a new integrated water resources management project for the Kaski and Tobang catchment areas.

This project aims to rethink the management of (rain)water and soil resources. This will be achieved by implementing water conservation/retention measures at all levels of the catchment area in order to restore a natural water cycle, promote recharge and increase water availability, while improving the structure and quality of rural soils.

Reforestation and agroforestry will be combined with water management activities. Finally, this project aims to put communities at the heart of this management of their ecosystem. By raising their awareness, educating them and involving them in decision-making and resource management, they will become agents of sustainable change.

  • Carrying out a study of the catchment area in the project zone
  • Development of a global action plan in agreement with the community and beneficiaries
  • Building weather stations in schools
  • Construction of agro-ecological family production systems
  • Support for the marketing of harvests and implementation of seed banks
  • Reforestation campaign and creation of ecological corridors
  • Community work on soil maintenance, erosion control and water management
catégories : programme3, nepal, programme1

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